
Nurturing Nook Notes: Family watch party, learning languages, and book recommendation

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Welcome back to this week’s edition of Nurturing Nook Notes. In this week’s lineup, we’ll be exploring laughs and bonding that can emerge from a family watch party, the enriching benefits of early language exposure, and a book that’s proven to be helpful during the inevitable ‘tantrum phase’. Let’s dive in!

Family Watch Party

We recently started letting our kids stay up 20 minutes late to watch a show we all like once a week. The choice of the past few weeks has been:

America’s Funniest Home Videos, Animal Edition

This show is a guaranteed laugh for the whole family! It’s not just about the laughs though. The kids also relish the feeling of staying up a little later like the ‘grown-ups’ do. Plus, it’s a great way for us to bond, while the home is filled with the sound of giggles. Trust me, will be worth the extra 20 minutes past bedtime.

Exposure to Languages

We believe learning new languages at early stages will give the kids a different perspective on everyday life while leveraging their brain’s superplasticity.

We have a diverse background and our home is bi-lingual by nature. Luckily, our kids picked up both languages without much trouble. It gives them a sense of awareness of different cultures and makes their minds more curious.

If you have the opportunity to expose your little ones to new languages, I say go for it! Giving your kids a taste of different languages is like opening new windows for them to view the world. Who knows what exciting journeys and understanding they might embark on as a result?

Book recommendation

I picked up this book when my daughter was a lively 6-month-old, giving us quite a ride with her spirited personality. 😊

This week’s recommendation:

The Whole-Brain Child, by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

The book offers invaluable insights into the young brain’s workings, especially during those challenging tantrum moments. The authors explore the concepts of the ‘upstairs’ and ‘downstairs’ brain, all tied to our frontal cortex’s development. They share practical tips on identifying triggers and methods to mitigate or even prevent meltdowns. Granted, it’s easier said than done when you’re in the thick of a tantrum, but the book’s insights make it a worthwhile read nonetheless.

And there we have it for this week’s Nurturing Nook Notes. From family laughter to language exploration and brain science, every moment is an opportunity for connection.

Keep cherishing these times, and we’ll catch up next week.

Take care,

– Alex

P.S. Full Bloom

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